➡ Click here: Christian minecraft server
We have people from all denominations. Our conversations are even more diverse. We are a family friendly Christian City dual themed server, We have a strong loyal Christian community formed over 4 years of being open. No where in the Bible is Sunday ever the Sabbath.
There are thousands of servers out there and we wants our to be a light in christian minecraft server darkness. If so, are there many active members still playing. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your idea, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates, that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you. Before the great flood of Noa people only ate tout based foods. I think the server looks cool but you guys are those tryhard Christians that are just like the pharisees in the New Testament. We have a no-ban policy. You say to not build on Sunday.
The Bible says many are called but few are chosen. Everybody is welcome to visit us. Claim land, see c.
Prism.www.datingvr.ru - Whether its a conversation about our recent Dungeons and Dragons session, current events, philosophy, or theology, we treat everyone with respect and love. That is too hard to check, Most players come from USA but the server is in Sweden so the sabbath in USA is not on the same time as in Sweden.
I run a Minecraft server and i'm looking to get a few people to build on my server. Currently it's me and 1 person building. Server has been running since late alpha and is up virtually all the time. The singleplayer is just boring and having other people to play minecraft with is pretty sweet. Server specs are: Xeon quad core, 8 gigs of ram, etc. Nothing major and i'm always up for suggestions as far as mods go. I don't want to post the details publically so PM me if you own the game and want to do some multiplayer! Is this server still running?? If so, are there many active members still playing? I was hoping to find a minecraft server to call home. I've been working hard on a major minecraft project, and it's almost done Temple Mount in the time of Christ. I was wondering if it was possible to be hosted on the server? You can find pictures of it in my album section here: Can't post a link, so please fill in the tripple 'W' part of this address christianforums.